TelCOMM users manual
GS2TelCOMM users manual 
TEL-STER company has in its offer TelCOMM software (currently it is available in version 5.0). TelCOMM software is a tool designed for B2B exchange of documents using protocol AS4 and AS2, the implementation of which at gas counterparties market results from the European Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 from 30 April 2015 which establishes a network code being a principle of interoperability and data exchange.
Protocol AS4 and AS2
AS4 Protocol (Applicability Statement 4)
AS4 protocol is a standard that describes secure and reliable sending of messages over Internet public network. This protocol is based on well-known and acknowledged solutions, such as HTTP, TLS, SOAP protocols and web services. It represents an open standard for B2B data exchange described in OASIS ebMS 3.0 specification. The elements responsible for security and reliability of transmitted data are digital signatures and encrypting mechanisms (WS-security).
Protocol AS2 (Applicability Statement 2)
AS2 was created earlier than AS4, is based on HTTP and TLS protocols, functionally similar to AS4, but in practical terms in most cases was replaced by it and now is used mainly for compatibility with older systems.
TelCOMM software is addressed for MS Windows Server, based on subsystem IIS and .NET Framework 4.8 or newer. Application can be hosted only on HTTPS protocol and the version of used TLS protocol during message sending is 1.2 or 1.3. TelCOMM has an embedded SQLite database or it can use Oracle database. Software consists of three components:
- application interface accessible from web browser, that allows configuration and interactive exchange of documents,
- web service /WebServices/Gateway.asmx, that allows exchange of documents initiated from external application,
- web service /MSH.asmx/Receive, that allows reception of documents from partners.
Application interface
The main view of application provides functionality of sending documents using AS4 One-Way/Push MEP (message exchange pattern) using defined P-Mode (Processing Mode).
Integral part of sending process is the analysis of response from the recipient in terms of:
- lack of message sending errors HTTP success code,
- non-repudiation of receipt, in case of synchronous response.
Figure 1. Send view after send
Second view is for downloading data from partner with AS4 Two-Way/Push-Pull or One-Way/Pull MEP. Response to request that initiates download is checked only for HTTP success code.
Figure 2. Download view after send
Sent and received messages are available for viewing and managing in next two views.
Administrators have access to additional views:
- Logs AS4 communication errors and users activity information,
- Partners additional view for defining a friendly name for partner [PartyId] value, that will be used in application views instead of partner identifier,
- Processing Modes (P-Modes) configuring AS4/AS2 communication between partners,
- Users,
- Database choosing the database: SQLite or Oracle,
- Options.
Application interface is available in Polish and English language.
Interface for external applications
TelCOMM application can act as an gateway for B2B communication, through which another application can automatically send and receive AS4/AS2 messages, because it provides its functionalities in /WebServices/Gateway.asmx.
Gateway.asmx example methods:
- SendByPModeName, SendAS2ByPModeName,
- GetUnreadPushMessagesIds, GetUnreadPullMessagesIds,
- GetMessage, GetMessages,
- GetMessages, MarkAsRead.
Receiving messages from partner
The relative address of method that is used as a reception point for all incoming AS4 and AS2 messages is /MSH.asmx/Receive. After receiving a message the module sends a response (synchronous or in separate message) that is fulfilling non-repudiation of receipt (if message was signed and application has a signing certificate for sender of response). Receiving module is equipped with functionalities of detecting duplicate messages and error handling.
Communication configuration
AS4/AS2 communication between partners is configured by defining a P-Mode (Processing Mode). Besides options from standard (in brackets) there are also defined additional options.
Figure 3. P-Mode details view
Automatic update of certificates
Automatic update of certificates is a required by Entsog module of an AS4 software operating on European gas market. Its aim is to automate the process of updating used by partners certificates to newer ones, usually in situation of approaching certificate expiration date.
- Protocols: AS4, AS2 ver. 1.1
- Message Exchange Patterns (MEP) AS4: One-Way/Push, Two-Way/Push-Pull, One-Way/Pull as initiating partner
- Algorithms AS4:
- Digest methods for signature (hash): sha256, sha384, sha512
- Digital signature:
- RSA certificate : rsa-sha256, rsa-sha384, rsa-sha512
- ECC certificate: ecdsa-sha256, ecdsa-sha384, ecdsa-sha512
- Data encryption:
- aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc
- aes128-gcm, aes192-gcm, aes256-gcm
- Key encryption:
- RSA certificate: rsa-oaep-mgf1p, rsa-oaep
- MGF: mgf1sha1, mgf1sha256, mgf1sha384, mgf1sha512
- Digest methods (hash): sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
- ECC certificate: ECDH-ES
- KDF: ConcatKDF
- KW: kw-aes128, kw-aes192, kw-aes256
- HMAC: sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
- RSA certificate: rsa-oaep-mgf1p, rsa-oaep
- Compression: gzip
- Algorithms AS2:
- Digital signature:
- sha256, sha384, sha512
- sha256-rsassa-pss, sha384-rsassa-pss, sha512-rsassa-pss
- Encryption: aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc
- Compression: zlib
- Digital signature:
- [ReplyPattern]: Response (synchronous), Callback (asynchronous, for AS4)
- [SecurityTokenReference] (AS4): BinarySecurityToken X509v3, BinarySecurityToken X509PKIPathv1, IssuerAndSerialNumber
- Automatic Certificate Update between partners: yes, for AS4
- Multiple attachments in message: yes, for AS4
- One [P-Mode] for both directions (when partners use same certificate for signing and encryption): yes
- Certificates validation: OCSP/CRL (optional)
- Server and client TLS certificate: yes (optional)
- Architecture: Microsoft Windows Server, IIS, .NET Framework 4.8, HTTPS, TLS 1.2 i 1.3
- Database: SQLite, Oracle
- Interaction with application: web browser for users, web service for external programs
- Language in application: polish, English
GS2TelCOMM plugin
GS2TelCOMM software is an optional extension to TelCOMM application supporting the process of downloading measurement and aggregated data shared by Gaz-System using AS4 protocol with the use of Two-Way/Push-Pull message exchange pattern.
Architecture of GS2TelCOMM is the same as of TelCOMM, it also has an own embedded SQLite database or it can use Oracle database. Plugin supports main AS4 functionalities in the field of generating data requests and analyzing responses specific for Gaz-System, also in automatic and cyclical downloading of data by defining downloading schedule. Obtained data can be viewed in plugin, also there is a possibility of forwarding it to TelWin system. In case of installing the extension in TelCOMMs navigation bar there will appear position Gaz-System.
Figure 4. Generate request GS2TelCOMM
Figure 5. Defining schedule of automatic, cyclical downloading of data GS2TelCOMM
Source materials:
- [ENTSOG] AS4 Usage profile
- [OASIS] AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0
- [OASIS] ebCore Agreement Update Specification Version 1.0
- [GAZ-SYSTEM] Instructions on data exchange using AS4 protocol
- [GAZ-SYSTEM] Technical description of the solution for edig@s message exchange using the AS4 standard
- [GAZ-SYSTEM] Technical description of the solution for sharing measurement and aggregated data using the AS4 standard
- [IETF] AS2 Specification
- [IETF] AS2 Compression